Who are we

Here, at the ILPP, we have joined together with the aim of making a difference in our society. Improvements are necessary and change is possible with the help of a motivated team. We believe in partnerships built on trust and outstanding values and achieve this through building teams who share our enthusiasm to create lasting alliances. Steering Council: Egzona Abdi- Director of directive board Mentor Hamiti Durim Zeqiri Supervisory council: Emine Baftjari Sahide Bajrami Executive Office: Pranvera Kasami- Executive Director Neda Josifoska- Administrator Adnan Ahmad- Web Manager

Our word:

From day one of acting in the civil society sector, our motto was -the actions, are our words. At the Institute for Leadership and Public Policy we prove how dedicated we are to society and progress through finding solutions and implementing activities with the highest level of trust and credibility. We collaborate with the best experts and professionals and are constantly expanding our network of high achieving individuals in different fields of the society. The ILPP was founded at a time when the general atmosphere in the country was “hard to breathe in.” Starting as an informal group, we decided that we cannot sit idle and wait for the situation to improve. Instead, we committed ourselves to identifying problems and building initiatives based on what our society needs. We carry out our work with the strong belief that there are people in our society who will take initiative to improve their communities, and we are among them. Together we will combine our strengths in improving life in the public sphere and creating a difference. We believe there are many things that need improvements in our society, but with commitment, perseverance, and dedication we can slowly alleviate these difficulties. Hence, we asked for help from people with values and people of change, because we believe in partnerships built on trust and mutual support. Those who answered with enthusiasm joined us and created our founding team! With no external support, we managed to organize our first training focused on leadership and public speaking in our society. Young people from political parties, universities, and institutions, applied to participate. Additionally, youth from neighboring countries applied when they discovered the opportunity and the value of the project. The creation and implementation of projects, which were completed based on what was considered to be the most pressing issues, were implemented by the young leaders themselves. Leaders made the changes by proving through actions and cultivating practices to spread awareness. The perception of the ILPP in our society, and rightly so, is as an organization that brings changes and has the spirit of improvement through the power of trust-worthy alliances and coalitions. By building strong networks of relevant people and community partners who believe in the change for the good and the social progression, the ILPP works towards the greater societal improvement and a community of engaged, dedicated citizens.


Our organization has currently 130 members registered.

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