
Project Brochure

This is an informative brochure about the project "WomEntrepreneurship: IT and Engineering at their strongest!"

Brochure - Always active youth, even in challenging times

In July 2020, during a very hard time for the world and for our society as well, with the support of the British Embassy in Skopje, implemented the project “Always active youth even in challenging times”.

Research - Youth emerging needs in the Polog region

Research conducted with young people in order to identify their needs

Youth Migration - statistics

Statistics from youth migration - 2018

Research - Youth leadership platform

Research conducted with young people in 2017

Учество на жената во политика во Полошкиот регион, Северна Македонија - Истражување за факторите на влијание

Ова истражување е спроведено во Полошкиот регион и се опфатени 498 анкетирани лица. Се истражува перцепцијата на граѓаните за вклучување на жените во политичкиот живот.

Women participation in politics in the Pollog region, North Macedonia – Research on influencing factors

The survey covered 498 respondents, and researched the factors influencing women's participation in politics.

Новата влада: Само четри жени министри,албанската жена не застапена во оваа функција

Северна Македонија уште од осамостојувањето никогаш немала жена во функции на премиер,претседател на држава или претседател на Собрание

Statute Institute for Leadership and Public Pocilcy

Statute of Institute for Leadership and Public Policy

Статут- Институт за лидерство и јавни политики

СТАТУТ на Здружение Институт за лидерство и јавни политики, Тетово.

Decision-Lead Hub

Decision on the establishment of Lead Hub

Procurement procedures

Procurement procedures- ILPP


Rule book- ILPP

Тековна состојба


Work policies and procedures

Work policies and procedures of ILPP

Project manager

Job description

Project assistant

Job description

Scope of work

Executive director

Scope of work

Finance Manager

Scope of work


Strengthening of the Youth in Polog for Better Economic Resilience

This survey analysis pictures the actual challenges related to youth in the labor market in the region of Pollog, North Macedonia and serves to providing trustworthy data on this field to the wider public.

Analysis research on youth in the labor market and the gap/mismatch between the offer and demand in the labor market

This study reports the results of a community assessment survey regarding youth perceptions in the workforce designed by the Institute for Leadership and Public Policy (ILPP) and administered to youth in the Pollog Region of North Macedonia.


This project, titled “Western Values Aligned with Western Economic Partnerships vs. China’s Presence in North Macedonia,” is implemented by the Institute for Leadership and Public Policy (ILPP) and is supported by the U.S. Embassy in North Macedonia.


Hulumtimi ka përfshirë metodën e intervistave orientuese me përfaqësues të organizatave të shoqërisë civile, një pyetësor anketues me të rinjtë nga të 9 komunat e rajonit të Pollogut.


Во истражувањето беше вклучен методот на ориентациони интервјуа со претсавници на граѓански организации, анкетен прашалник со млади од сите 9 општини на полошкиот регион.

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